Thursday, February 02, 2006

Those spiteful flying rats!?

OK - Buenos Aires has a shitload of pigeons, more than most large cities I would say. But I haven't done any specific research to suggest any support for this. Frankly... I can't stand pigeons. Unless you are a four year old kid enamoured by the fact that a real live bird is actually so very close to you, so close that you can almost catch it but everytime you take another step forward, first walking and then running, they always takes flight just out of your reach, I don't know a lot of people that like pigeons. Here in San Telmo we have 15 missing window panes in our flat and the transient pigeon homesteaders are all but welcome. And like I said, I pretty much loathe pigeons and see nothing of social value in them what-so-ever. That was until today.

I thoroughly enjoyed and recommend this article from SIX0SIX onlilne magazine and will now re-evaluted my hatred for those damn rats with wings.

And while we are on the subject of pigeons, here is a little bit more information for those of you that may find the harnessing of these little critters fascinating.

Homebuilt Homing Pigeons with GPS

And if you really want to get hi tech with these flying rats, hell... give him cameras, cell phones and mini-backpacks and make them do the dirty work!

And for more on the project you can stay abreast on all the pigeon happenings on their blog.

And to further prove that pigeons do use major roadways as navigational aides.

And then there's the organized Pakistani Mafia using pigeons as a kind of flying burro or mule.

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