Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Out on the Weekend

Here are a few more pics from the whirlwind Costa Rica trip. What I really want to say is thank you to so many very kind people that I met along my travels - Don Juan and all the friendly folk at Rancho Margot, Pedro up in Liberia who was my driver, guide and friend, the gringo couple in Mal Pais that gave me a lift from the ferry in Punta Arenas, the other gringo couple that gave me a life back from Montezuma, Amos Bien at Rara Avis for that great hiking tour through the rain forest jungle trail in the rain and mud with rubber hiking boots, and thanks to Nicole Newman at Rough Guides for these cool opportunities. The list could go on and on but I especially wanna thank Caro Goodfellow of who made this trip doable as opposed to impossible. Thanks Caro!

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