Friday, June 30, 2006

Vamos Argentina... Todavia!

Words simply can not express what it feels like after today's tough loss against Ze Germans.


MeRy said...

Anyway, we are the champions..
El mundial es un negocio millonario.. Si Alemania era eliminado, se terminaba el Mundial. Y con un sólo equipo sudamericano (Brasil) bastaba y sobraba.. Fue obvio que el referi estuvo comprado y realmente fue dudoso el "accidente" del arquero titular.. Hay que rescatar la buena actuación de Argentina, que a lo largo del partido fue superior que Alemania..
Lo mismo paso con el "Argentina '78", en el cual los militares compraron ese mundial.. Aunque de bronca, es un negocio, mas alla de una pasion de multitudes..
Miremos hacia Sudafrica 2010 con la mejor energía!
Y sino, nos vemos todos en Brasil 2014!! Que bueno que va a ser ese mundial!!!

Anonymous said...

The most common problem with the argentinian people is that they never accept the Defeat.
We always need to blame somebody else about our problems and we're always giving excuses about everything. We're not better than anyone and if we didn't win it was because the other team got more lucky than us. It's just a game for christ sake not a war. Its strategy but also luck.
That's it. It's not corruption all the time. We was born into it, but not everybody is like us.
The solution to this problem is that we need to put the same energy we use for soccer to fix our life HERE in our play field and we'd certanly be a better community and a better country for sure...but we don't, because we live always in the past. We're always complaining about how was our glory days. We need to look to the future to grow up as a country and as the team we used to be back in history.
