Monday, October 06, 2008

Road Trippin' in the Deep South

Cutting through one of Georgia's many Nature Reserves, this one right outside of Savannah.

Dripping Spanish moss that the Carolinas are known for.

"Gords For Sale" - Local resident drums up some extra cash on roadside weekend sales.

Just in time for Halloween - SCARY!

En route from Savannah, GA over to Hilton Head, NC.

Local fisherman on the side of the road.

"What are you fishing for out here in the swamp?" I asked, probably like a typical tourist, if a tourist ever actually stopped and talked to a local fisherman tucked down behind a deep bank on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere.

"Whatever," he replied.

"What are you using for bait?"

"Crickets," he said after a short pause.

"Pretty beautiful country you got here... all this swampland," I stammered, realizing that he had become a bit weary of me and my camera.


"Cept you get caught out there loafin' and you best be standing next to a tree," is what came out of his mouth next.

"Excuse me?"

"You get caught out there loafin' and you best be standing next to a tree," he repeated, almost exactly as he'd said before.

"What do you mean," I asked, hair rising ever so slightly on the back of my neck as I look out to where he was looking.

"Pigs... WILD PIGS!"

Tom and I laughed about it as we drove off down the deserted highway, passing one run down trailer house after another but deep down inside I really was afraid.

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